Anyway, you wanted to see how I finished off the ends of the bracelet that I did on the loom...that is the same as yours, but I was too lazy to do it per the directions and did it on the loom instead. First, observe The Bracelet in all of its sparkle-in-the-sunshine glory:
Here it is on the loom with the checkerboard bracelet:
And here it is off the loom. I DID attempt to weave in all 40 some-odd warp threads, but it was just too much thread for the beads to handle, so I improvised and chanted mantras to the great loom goddess. Goddesses. Whatever. ...and decided to use a strip of self-adhesive felt to hold the loose threads across the back. This also made for a more stable foundation to sew on the buttons and loops.
I was concerned the sticky stuff on the back wouldn't be strong enough. However, I'm not sure if it was due to the hot sun or what, but the felt really adhered to the beads. I'll be using this technique again on the checkerboard bracelet, but I need to get some other color felt besides brown. I just happen to have it in my it from the local craft store.
Also, I made the bracelet longer this time around, and STILL added 7 extra beads to the loops to make it slightly longer. I measured the dang thing 432 times and it was still a bit too snug. I'm thinking it was due to the wideness of the bracelet.
This is the checkerboard with ornaments. The ornaments no longer exist. I just didn't like how it was turning out:
I've since started a pattern using beads from the bead fest. I wasn't feeling terribly adventurous and I'm only using two colors. I figured the pattern and the sparkly would be interest enough:
And that, my friend, is it for today. Can't wait to see your latest art clay endeavor! I GET DIBS.
Not responsible for typos and bad grammar. I'm sure it can be blamed on the wind as I blogged this from my backyard.
Hey, TBD - excellent job! Now that I see the bracelet looks the same when done on the loom and done by hand - next time, it's the loom for me!