Thursday, March 26, 2009

It was a dark and stormy night...

Seriously, it is a dark and stormy night, so my plan of experimenting with my precious metal clay and firing it has been blown all to heck.  Yes, the wind is blowing and it is cold.  So, instead of playing with clay I shall point myself in another direction and perhaps finish the bracelet I have been working on periodically for the past 2 weeks.  Here a bead, there a bead, everywhere a bead bead..... Oh, the musing of a frantic mind.  I am the other Patron Saint of this blog.

I got this bead pattern at my first bead festival.  I was a bead fest virgin until me and To Be Determined attended together.  Two days of nothing but beads - what more could a person ask for.   I haven't seen that much sparkle in one room since Liberace.  (Hey, that gives me an idea for a beading project)..... Our initial plan was to make our way around to all the booths to see what was there before buying.  As they say, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry..... As might be expected, we proved that we were not exempt from that saying.  About 1/4 of the way through I had to stop and buy.  Alas, I digress - this is the almost completed bracelet from the bead fest.

The pictures do not do this bracelet justice - it is much more spectacular in person.  It is done with a square stitch, which I had never done before.  It is taking much longer to make the bracelet than I thought it would.  However, I think the effort is worth it!  This bracelet is so well made that it will probably never ever fall apart.  I'm thinking that my next venture will be to do this in black, white or gray, silver and pink - hey, a nice neon green might go well with the pink.  We'll see what state of mind I'm in when I decide to start the next one.  Until then - keep looking for that sparkle in life!  


  1. Excellent post! I laughed, I gasped, I cried, I blew warm morning beverages out my nose.

  2. If I can cause someone to blow warm morning beverage out their nose, then I know my day is going to be a good one. I almost felt that there were, how shall one say.....too many words.... Ah, thank you Wolfie!
