Sunday, May 17, 2009

I'll Have My Cake and Eat it TOO!

TBD, thank you for the birthday wishes.  I ate so much I'm surprised I didn't POP!  Here is the lovely cake (the name has been removed to protect the innocent...that would be me)

And the beautiful flowers....

Now, for something completely different..... REEDS.   Yes, I, IB am a double reed God and have created reeds.  Behold the beauty of the double reeds:

And, let us not forget the hours spent on making the bridal shower cookies.  Sorry you can't partake of the delectable delights - perhaps your friend will eventually send you some.  In the meantime, please know that these were a big hit and tasted, uhm, how shall one say DELICIOUS!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Birthday Grrrrrrl

Happy Birthday IB! Someone needs to get their head out of their birthday cake and post on the blog.............. HINT HINT.