As I gather here today, unhindered by anything better to do at the moment, let me be the first for spew forth the first bit of Mezzo Presto Artistry. Behold, I am ONE of the Patron Saints of Mezzo Presto Artistry. Please hold your applause till the end.
In another attempt at art, I've created yet another item on the wee bead loom. I'm still having issues with finishing off the bracelet and putting on any sort of clasp.
I still have a few threads to weave in.
And, I give you deferred success. (Insert pic here) This thing WAS a bracelet, but some idiot didn't measure properly and the length was too short. Well, I guess it would have been okay, but I wasn't happy. Well, just imagine a zip top bag with a wad of Delica beads in it. I can't find the dang photo at the moment.
On to other delights. Knowing my loom prowess is worthy of an item that cost more than my first car, I purchased the following. This is as far as I've gotten with it.

I believe my next Mezzo Presto artistic endeavor will involve something organic and free form in nature. DO, hold your breath.